PEAC 2022 Program for Authors and Session Chairs


Due to the pandemic impact, the format of the conference will be change to hybrid. The date is still on Nov. 4-7, 2022.


Venue: Xiamen Wutong Fliport Hotel


The session room links can be found on the Online Conference System from November 3, 2022.


Online Conference System (IEEE PEAC 2022):

Online Conference System (CPEEC&CPSSC 2022):


Authors and Session Chairs should do as follows.


Technical Session Reporters


Due to the limited scale, Technical session will be mainly online, and some parts of Technical sessions will still be held onsite.


Click for Presentation format of Each Session          Click for List of Onsite Technical Session


The length of the presentation is restricted to 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions, totaling 20 minutes for each paper. Please note that the presentation language is English.


【Onsite Reporters】

Authors should arrive on the scene 15 minutes before the topic session starts which the paper belongs to,and do as follows.

1. Get the presenter label from staff.

2. Please assure that all fonts needed are embedded in your presentation files, which are compatible with Microsoft Office 2013.To avoid disruption of the session, you will not be allowed to use your own computer and files will need to be downloaded to the computer from a USB key.

3. Print and submit authors’ biography in English to the host.


【Online Reporters】

The online presentation will be in the form of playing the presentation video and real online Q&A, please follow the Instructions as follows.


1. Please use PowerPoint software to record your presentation, the length of which should not exceed 15 minutes. At the same time, please submit your biography in English with no more than 100 words.

2. Please submit your presentation record online in the manuscript system before November 2, 2022. Login link:


Live interaction will be conducted through Tencent Conference, and Q&A interaction will be conducted after the presentation record is played.

3. Please login to the online meeting room 15 minutes before your session.and have a network test with the staff. When logining to the online meeting room, please use the name in format of【Reporter -Full Name- Affiliations】.


Each presentation of the technical session will be evaluated by the session chairs according to the performance of the presentation, and a certificate will be issued to the best performance reporters. Please don’t leave the meeting room of your session until the end of the meeting.


Technical Session Chair


The chair will preside at the meeting online when the session is held online. The chair will preside at the meeting onsite when the session is hybrid. If the onsite chair cannot attend the meeting due to the pandemic impact, he/she can apply for online presiding.


【Onsite Chairs】

1.  Please arrive on the scene 15 minutes before the topic session starts to check the preparation of the venue and the whether the authors are present.
2.  Please evaluate each presentation of the technical session and make detail records. The record forms will be provided by the staff;

3.According to the performance of the presentation, please fill in and issue a certificate to the best performance reporter. The certificate of online reporters will be issued by the secretariat after the conference.


【Online Chairs】

1.The organizing committee will email the record forms and relevant documents before the meeting. Please check them.

2.Please login to the online meeting room 15 minutes before your session.and have a network test with the staff. When logining to the online meeting room, please use the name in format of【Chair -Full Name- Affiliations】.

3.Please evaluate each presentation of the technical session and make detail records.

4.  According to the performance of the presentation, please evaluate the best performance reporter and announce the results on site. The certificate will be issued by the secretariat after the conference.


Dialogue Session Reporters


The dialogue session will be held online and will be in the form of showing the poster file and playing the presentation video.


Please upload your poster file (in PDF format) and poster presentation video (in MP4 format),the length of which should not exceed 5 minutes and the size should not exceed 100Mb in the manuscript system before November 2, 2022.


Please login with the conference registration account and fill in contact information when submitting.

Login link:


Please find Tips on content and format of the poster in the link:


Each session will be evaluated by the session chairs according to the poster quality and the presentation performance, and a certificate will be issued to top 5  reporters  after the conference.


Dialogue Session Chairs

1.Watch each poster presentation video online.
2.Please evaluate each poster and make detail record. The organizing committee will email the record forms before the meeting. Please check them.
3.According to the poster quality and the presentation performance, please evaluate top 5 reporters of each session. The certificate will be issued by the secretariat after the conference.

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